
New Solo: A Star Wars Story brings the cool


The first teaser trailer for Solo left many fans with a bit of uncertainty. A new trailer has hit, and at least for me, that uncertainty is gone.

There’s a lot happening here, and some really cool visuals. The trailer doesn’t seem to be taking itself seriously, which is always a good sign. You’re not going to be originals, and you’re always going to disappoint some of the fans. That’s where Rogue One was so successful. It gave the fans what they wanted, while doing their own thing.
This new Star Wars Story sees everyone’s favorite scoundrel, and how he came into the smuggling business.
We see a little more of the dynamic between Chewie and Han, and a little more of Lando Calrissian as well.
High hopes, for this one, let’s hope it doesn’t fall flat.
The new movie will be out Memorial Day weekend.

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