
Mardi Gras: Week two


Mardi Gras went into it’s second week last weekend, offering two nights: Saturday and Sunday. Heart played on Saturday, February 13th, and Kool and the Gang played on Sunday, February 14th. The park was pretty packed on Saturday (not as packed on Sunday, but busy), but I understand why. This week, we’ve got three back-to-back holidays PLUS Daytona 500. Sunday was Valentine’s Day, Today was Presidents Day, and tomorrow is the official Mardi Gras. With the park being busier, more beads were being thrown. Infact, I left the park with more than twice as many beads as opening weekend.

Mardi Gras was a great time this past weekend, although it was crazy packed. The only downfall to the parade was the Mummy area, where people were willing to push others out of the way to get the beads underneath their feet. Mardi Gras brings the drunks out.. and they get rude. Beware! None the less, it was a great time and all ages would love the parade. Check out some of the pictures from the parade.

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