
A sneak peek at Busch Gardens Tampa’s Sesame Street Safari of Fun


When selecting a vacation destination, families are looking for places that cater to their entire family. Families who have younger children may have visited Busch Gardens Tampa in the past, as there is something to do for everyone. There is even more to do at Busch Gardens Tampa than ever before with their highly anticipated Sesame Street Safari of Fun area.

Last year, Busch Gardens Tampa announced they would be closing their Land of the Dragons area to transform it into Sesame Street.

Children will have the chance to experience many kid-friendly rides, including a new children’s roller coaster, Air Grover. Children and their parents can experience this attraction together. While a children’s roller coaster is a great addition, there are so many other great rides in this area. The other rides in the area are: Zoe-patra & Hippos of the Nile, The Count’s Zambezi Rally, Snuffy’s Elephant Romp, Elmo’s Safari Go Round, Rosita’s Djembe Fly Away, and Big Bird’s Whirly Birdie. Sesame Street has always been known for being educational, and Busch Gardens incorporates education in their rides, such as Count’s ride, which is a car ride with counting along the way. Many of the rides in Sesame Street Safari of Fun are specifically for children only, based on height, however Air Grover, Elmo’s Safari Go Round, and Big Bird’s Whirly Birdie can accommodate adults so they may experience these attractions with their children.

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Safari of Fun offers more than just rides to families. They offer many play areas for kids to have fun and explore. From a “bounce area” to nets, and wet play areas, there’s so much for kids to see and do. Climbing, exploring, bouncing, sculpting sand, and cooling off are just a few things kids can do to let go and enjoy themselves. Florida is well known for it’s warm weather. There’s no better way to cool off than two wet play areas, Oscar’s Swamp Stomp, and Bert and Ernie’s Watering Hole. From tunnels to water guns, water umbrellas, and water buckets, there’s much to see and do. Mom and Dad are more than welcome to join in on most of the dry and wet play areas.

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Younger children who have seen Sesame Street will have the opportunity to get a photo with their favorite characters, like Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and many more. Big Bird’s 123-Smile With Me is the photo spot. Characters may roam around giving kids the chance to interact and get their picture taken with their friends from Sesame. Air Grover also has an on-ride photo which may be purchased after the ride as a souvenir for a great experience, or their first roller coaster.

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Given the chance to see a “sneak peek” at Sesame Street Safari of Fun, Elmo gathered his friends from Sesame Street for the opening of the area. This will not be an everyday occurrence at Sesame Street.

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Sesame Street Safari of Fun opens officially to the public this Saturday, March 27th.