
Coaster Obsession: Kings Dominion covered in snow!


I recently left my job back in August because I had plans to move to Florida. I packed my stuff and off I went. I have the worst of luck! In 2008, I anticipated snow everytime the weather man would even mention a chance of snow, and nothing really happened. It snowed once and stuck around for a few hours. The year I move to The Sunshine State, my friends tell me they got eleven inches of snow! Not fair!

Or is it?

I sacrificed snow for warm, sunny Florida.. I also gave up seasonal theme parks and moved closer to Orlando and Tampa where I can go whenever I feel like it! I think I made a great decision. It’s great to see pictures of parks covered in snow, but it’s just so sad.. they’re so desolate looking!

Brian was able to snap some shots of Kings Dominion surrounded by snow. Enjoy!

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