Art and theme parks have been been independent artforms for decades, both being integrated for the same purpose, but not for the sake of art. That changes this year in Colorado, on April 20th, when Elitch Gardens and artist group Meow Wolf bring their latest ride/art installation to life with Kaleidoscape. The new ride will take guests on an interactive trip into art, color and sound. We have no idea what to expect, but if it’s anything like the art groups interactive, stand alone installation-House of Eternal Return, then it’s going to be an attraction like nothing we’ve ever seen.
Meow Wolf has been an amazing point of interest for several years, starting as a group of starving artists, and working their art into something that is not only physically beautiful to look at, but immerses the audience into a story by not just looking, but also listening, touching, and being a part of the exhibit.

Artists from Meow Wolf are hard at work on the new attraction, and are working tirelessly to take a typical theme park attraction, and breathe a different type of life into it by pushing the envelope of what we know about how a theme park attraction is supposed to look like and behave. If the teasers and concept art is any indication, then we are about to see the theme park attraction redefined completely.
Kaleidoscape will be the first artist-driven dark ride, and will open with the park on April 20th…make of that date what you will.
If anything, we’re curious on how a creative entity like Meow Wolf translates into a new theme park experience, so we’ll be watching carefully.
Stay tuned for more, and be sure to get social with us on Facebook and follow along with us on Twitter @BehindThrills for the latest updates!
For more information about Elitch Gardens, visit the official website by clicking here!
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