Cedar Point is one of my favorite thrill parks. It has some amazing rides, and a great history dating back over 150 years. I try to make at least one trip a year, and usually it’s in my RV. I normally do what is called dry camping – the RV is self sufficient with the generator, and so paying for a campsite for electric always feels pointless.
Since 2019 when I got my first Steel Vengeance ride I’ve always wanted to stay at one campground in particular though. There was an exception to the rule. When you come over the first hill you can see the campground sitting at the end of the peninsula that is Cedar Point. Tucked on the back; against the water. The best place to stay at cedar point? Possibly.
So this year I got a chance – some friends got a camp site, and the RV was set up. It’s important to note this was an out of pocket trip, not paid for at all by Cedar Point. These thoughts are my own and not influenced by the park at all:
The campground is beautiful. The location is amazing. Sitting in a chair under the canopy of the RV I could see Steel Vengeance, Gemini, Magnum XL-200, and Top Thrill Dragster – with pieces of Millennium Force showing through sections of the trees. The back entrance of the park – a 5 minute walk.
The campground also has cabins available for those without an RV, so everyone can use this campground! The cabins look spacious; and some of them sit on the water with others along the inner loops. Our RV site was within an inner loop. The campground features a convenience store that has most of your needs and supplies. Theres a pool for campground guests, as well as easy access to the beach, water park, and main thrill park. There’s also a dock at the campground – though it was under construction during our visit. The park features early entry for camp guests, and discounts on activities such as renting boats or jet skis. Lots of activities to chose from and almost certainly not enough time.
Trees lined our site providing a bit of privacy. The site was big enough to back in a 30+ft RV, a truck, and a van, as well as put out the canopy, and have a picnic table. There was a fire grill at our site – however due to its peculiarly terrible placement directly against a tree we did not use it.

In 2019 I spent a few days staying at the budget Cedar Point hotel just off the peninsula. It was a nice hotel, and I could see the park from my room. It was a decent experience. I’ve never stayed at Hotel Breakers before. I can however say with certainty that staying on the peninsula is its own kind of convenience. Rain storm? A common occurrence in the Summer – not a problem. Head to your RV or cabin, and you can see and hear the rides so you know when they reopen. Want a nap? No worries of driving then driving back. Time saved. It really was a unique and wonderful experience.
That experience does unfortunately come with a steep price. The average cost of a night at the campground is 150$ for a site. Pricey when you consider you’re parking your own vehicle to sleep in….yet worth it after you’ve experienced it. Those small convenience moments eventually add up. In the end we sat around thinking about how amazing it was having everything so close.

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Justin Landers is 30 year’s old and owns Just Shoot Light Multimedia Productions, a freelance photo and video company involved in the theme park industry since 2013. You can find him on Instagram at @Inverted_Therapy and @Just_Shoot_Light and on YouTube or Facebook.
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