Tag: Disneyland, Ear Hats, Limited time magic, Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney World
March’s “Year of the Ear” hats focus on bright colors and Disney characters
RachealMar 15, 2013
2013 is full of extra magic with Limited Time Magic and the Year of the Ear. Each and every month, Disney will release a limited edition ear hat as part of the Year of...
First look: January’s “Year of the Ear” limited time Couture Ear Hats
RachealJan 06, 2013
Walt Disney and Disneyland will be offering something very special to guests this year: Limited Time Magic. Each week, both parks will offer something different and...
Disney announces Year of the Ear and first Limited Time Magic celebrations: Bling in the New Year, Three Kings Day, and Golden Horseshoe
RachealDec 29, 2012
Disney announced their 2013 celebration, Limited Time Magic, earlier this year in Times Square. Limited Time Magic will offer fun, weekly celebrations at Walt Disney...