The Velocicoaster is a thrilling ride with a great mix of elements ranging in intensity and speed to give riders a little taste of everything. The ride truly does rise in excitement all the way through to the end. Some elements hit stronger than others in varying seats, such as the first dive loop, which feels completely different in the front versus the more-tame rear of the train. The opposite could be said about the drop-off of the Top Hat element, where the back reigns king. The Heartline-roll finale is where this ride really shines, the speed and quick upside-down moment is quite insane, and the water just feet below you only adds to the excitement here.

One thing that I do feel is missing through the course of this layout is a large sustained airtime moment, most moments during the ride are quick ejector-pops of negative G’s, but given space constraints and the way Universal wanted to frame certain aspects of their theme park, like Hogwarts Castle and the Jurassic Park Discovery Center, there are not many areas they likely could have fit a large, sustained-negative-G airtime moment. This ride has a high fun factor with just the right amount of “holy-crap” moments. Each element really is its own thing during this ride, and they all differ from one another, which I feel can mess with the flow of the ride a bit and the pacing as you traverse the course.
When watching this ride from pathways, you can clearly see that it sells itself as a ride that begins gracefully and then quickly takes a turn into the insane once that second launch hits. This is mostly true, but there are certain moments that stick out more than others during the entire layout that are more notable than others, and while riding I found myself looking further forward into the layout anticipating these insane moments to come.
The first Dive Loop, the Mini-Stengel Dive, the Second Launch, the Stall, the Twisted Airhill, and that Mosasaurus Roll. When there are elements like this that stick out as being incredible, you notice an odd break in pacing that isn’t found on perfectly-paced rides like Skyrush at Hersheypark, where every element is insane, or the more-tame Cheetah Hunt at Busch Gardens Tampa, where each element is quite tame but they all blend together nicely. Velocicoaster has a mix of both insane and tame as you traverse the course of the ride.

There are those few elements that are noticeably balls-to-the-wall insane, and couple these nutty extreme elements with all the other good elements, and you have a bit of an odd mix in pace. Some elements are taken with great speed, while others seem to trickle on by. I don’t want to call these filler sections as they aren’t bad, but these moments do exist and it causes small breaks in that pure adrenaline that seasoned coaster-nuts search for. The launches on the Jurassic World Velocicoaster aren’t as initially kicky as some Intamin LSM launches either, but they are still fast and thrilling while being very smooth.

Adrenaline builds throughout the first half of the ride, and then really kicks in during the second launch, where the top speed really is a great thrill. Off of the Top Hat you know you’re in for a wild ride from that point forward, with high speeds through the rest of the experience and even a shockingly fast brake run before the final-final brake run, you really come into the station with a great burst of adrenaline and that “what just happened” feeling of shock as your restraints fly back open. Everyone is sure to be either smiling from pure excitement or in complete shock at what just happened. It’s not as adrenaline-inducing as some coasters.

All of the amazing theming surrounding the attraction also helps with pacing, with near misses adding to the experience and sense of speed. The theming enhances every aspect of this ride and hits strong before you even board this thing.
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