
President Obama to give speech at Magic Kingdom

It was recently revealed that the Magic Kingdom is one of the biggest travel destinations in the world. Out if all the places on the planet, more people choose Orlando...

Thrill Daily News 1-18-12

We can’t tell you how much this SOPA thing needs to get shut down. Instead of shutting the site down, I tried to write this big long diatribe on how we need to...

One brick to rule them all-Could we see LOTR at Legoland Florida?

“One Brick to rule them all. One Brick to find them. One Brick to build them all and in Florida bind them.” Okay, so that’s not exactly how the quote...

Thrill Weekly News:1-16-12

Happy New Year! Wait…am I too late for that? Welcome to a new year of news. Truth be told, we had let the news column go for quite some time simply because we were...

Uma meets Imohtep-Star sighting at Universal Orlando

Actress Uma Thurman, star of such amazing films like Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, and my personal favorite the Adventures of Baron Munchaussen, stopped in at Universal...

Offsite:Bald Beautiful Barbie

Here at Behind the Thrills, we love us some Theme Parks. No doubt about it. However, there is a great big world out there, and sometimes we need to take a step out of...

Spooky Empire announces it’s new home, and guests for May-hem

For close to ten years, Spooky Empire has called the Wyndham Resort on International Drive home. Last year the resort was sold, and it was said that it would close down....

Dumbo gets ready to fly, Thunder Mountain goes down for a long nap

Construction walls are up all over the place at Walt Disney World Resort, specifically at the Magic Kingdom. More construction walls have  appeared in Fantasyland as...

Theme Park Calendar-January 2012

The start of 2012 means the start of a whole new year of theme park events! Sure you always go to your favorite theme park for all the best rides, shows and attractions....

Sneak Peak at the Busch Gardens Animal Care Center

Busch Gardens Tampa is doing something that has been kept behind the scenes for years. The care of their animals is coming right to the attention and view of guests at...