Category: Seaworld Parks and Entertainment
Cheetah Hunt test seat arrives, new signs posted & New construction near Rhino Ralley
RachealApr 28, 2011
We’re now less than a month from the grand opening of Cheetah Hunt and we’re starting to see more and more final touches being applied to the ride and the...
Beneath the Surface: The Making of One Ocean
ErikApr 28, 2011
One Ocean has premiered to rave reviews, and to huge crowds. It’s a fitting replacement to the breathtaking majesty that was Believe. Sea World has decided to...
Video: First piece of Mach Tower installed
RachealApr 28, 2011
We’re about a month away from the media event for Mach Tower and Busch Gardens still has some work ahead of them to complete Mach Tower. The park made a major step...
Cheetah Hunt launches, latest construction update
ErikApr 27, 2011
Busch Gardens Tampa has released an all new video showing off time lapsed footage of the construction of Cheetah Hunt and Cheetah Run, the all new coaster and cheetah...
Cheetah Hunt construction update 4/25/11
RachealApr 25, 2011
More themeing has been added in this area.. Paticularly something to cover the track. It actually kind of looks like a bridge from this angle. Work is happening to the...
One Ocean debuts at Seaworld Orlando with a splash..A REALLY BIG SPLASH
RachealApr 22, 2011
Today is Earth Day, the day that we unite and take care of Mother Earth. Naturally, Sea World Orlando chose today to debut their newest show starring Shamu, “One...
Jack Hannah Weekend Kicks off, and Cheetah Hunt Makes a Full Run
ErikApr 21, 2011
Jack Hannah Weekend at Busch Gardens Tampa kicked off today. The event runs all of this weekend, and will also give guests to learn even more with a sleepover, and even...
Video: Cheetah Hunt testing
RachealApr 21, 2011
httpvh:// Cheetah Hunt at Busch Gardens Tampa starts testing full circuit runs. This portion is over and under the new bridge.
Cheetah Hunt takes to the sky as testing continues
RachealApr 19, 2011
Testing has already begun, but the park is taking small baby steps and going from one launch pad to the next. Today the park continued their testing phase going into the...
Baby Cheetah Gets a name, Testing on Cheetah Hunt continues
ErikApr 18, 2011
Busch Gardens Tampa released the results from the Facebook poll about the names of the baby Cheetah and Puppy. Their names are Kasi and Mtani. We take another look at...