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Who says lightning doesn’t strike twice? Universal Orlando tease sparks huge debate

Leading up to Universal Orlando’s opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Universal kept referring to the tag line “Who says lightning doesn’t...

HersheyPark to put guests on “Laff Track” in 2015

HersheyPark is known for mixing the fun if the past with current technology to produce family friendly thrills. For 2015, the park will take one the most fun elements...

New plans discovered for 2015 attraction at Busch Gardens Williamsburg

Busch Gardens Williamsburg is prepping for a massive new attraction in 2015. The new attraction is said to be a unique coaster for the park, and will allegedly go in the...

Can you smell it? Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson confirmed for Fast&Furious Supercharged at Universal Hollywood

Dwayne Johnson is a force of nature on screen and off. He has been an amazing addition to the last few Fast&Furious films, and can be seen in theaters now as a...

Orange is the new track-Thunderbird track arrives at Holiday World

For more information about Thunderbird at Holiday World, including tickets, visit the official website by clicking here! It’s all about timing. Less than a week...

Holiday World announces ‘Thunderbird’, wing rider coaster, for 2015

Many theme parks, including Holiday World, are still in full-on operation for the Summer, but they’re already looking ahead at the future. Some parks may even be...

66 Days at Sea-One week remains until Holiday World reveals the huge 2015 plans

Holiday World has chosen to tease guests for a grueling 66 days before revealing their plans for an all new expansion in 2015. The new expansion promises to be the...

HersheyPark teases new attraction with riddles and rhymes

Summer is still beating down on HersheyPark, but the sweet candy themed fun park is already looking forward to next year as it teases it’s newest attraction. The...

Happy 59th birthday Disneyland! Logo revealed for 60th

59 years ago, Walt Disney opened what would be the first step in setting the industry standard. Disneyland opened on July 16th 1955 with only 17 attractions, and a hope...

Orlando Eye continues to rise as I-Drive 360 nears completion

I-Drive 360 will not be officially open until Spring of 2015, but that’s not stopping the all new destination from keeping construction going at a break neck pace....